
제 25회 생명과학연구소 종합학술대회

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일19-11-22 20:40 조회 : 974회


생명과학연구소 종합학술대회

II. 행사 개요

일시 : 2019. 11. 22.

생명과학연구소 종합학술대회

II. 행사 세부내용 및 일정

9:00 등록 및 포스터 부착

10:00 개회 및 환영 인사 정유진 교수 (생명과학 연구소 소장)

세션 좌장 Hyeran Kim


Rapamycin increases the sensitivity of B16F10 to γ-ray- induced ROS through intracellular xCT capture

Yunseo Woo (Institute of Life Sciences, Kangwon National University)


Tetraspanin CD82-mediated signaling regulation mechanism for suppression of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition 

Moon-Sung Lee (Institute of Life Sciences, Kangwon National University

10:40-10:55Knock-out of SETDB1 gene perturbs molecular signaling pathway for cell proliferation and induces the increased migration activity via downregulation of E-cad

Han-heum Na (Department of Biological Sciences, Kangwon National University) 


P38 MAPK activation by arginase II downregulation contributes to endothelial nitricoxide synthase activation in HUVECs 

Bon-Hyeock Koo (Department of Biological Sciences, Kangwon National University)  


Effects of Rpd31 and Rpd32 on hyphal formation and virulence in Candida albicans 

Sang-MyungKim (Institute of Life Sciences, Kangwon National University) 


Multifunctional Role of GSK3 in GC Bcells 

Jeong hyun Lee (Department of Biomedical Science,Kangwon National University) 


Poster Presentation: 13:00-13:30

세션 II 좌장 Yun Kee & Kyung Won Kim


Regulation of active versus quiescentneural stem cells 

Ryoichiro Kageyama (Kyoto University, Japan)  


Emerging Concepts of Genome Damage Repair and its Regulation in Human Cells 

Sankar Mitra (Houston Methodist Cancer Center, USA) 


Methylation targeting on the imprintedtumor suppressor PEG3 

Joomyeong Kim (Louisiana State University, USA) 

Coffee Break & Poster Presentation : 15:30-15:50

세션 III 좌장 Jimin Lee


Genomic analysis of self-growing DNA inmolecular evolution system 

Daechan Park (Ajou University)


Development of 3D Tissue Model and ItsApplications   

SeungJa Oh (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)


Epigenetic regulation of autophagy indisease 

Hyunkyung Kim (Korea University College of Medicine)

17:50-18:10 시상 및 폐회

6:30 간담회

[이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2021-04-03 18:58:53 심포지엄에서 이동 됨]

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