생명과학연구소 특별세미나_임대진 교수님(강원대)
페이지 정보
작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일21-12-13 17:40 조회 : 3,766회첨부파일
일시: 2021년 10월 29일, 오후 1시
온라인: https://kangwon-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85204447315?pwd=WWtJTThZOVhnSEJXdnZ4b05wWm1Udz09
Host-Pathogen Interaction: from Infectious Diseases to Therapeutic Platform
임대진 교수(강원대학교 의생명융합학부 의생명공학전공)
Macrophages release iron into the bloodstream via a membrane-bound iron export protein, ferroportin (FPN). The hepatic iron-regulatory hormone hepcidin controls FPN internalization and degradation in response to bacterial infection. Salmonella Typhimurium can invade macrophages and proliferate in the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV). Hepcidin is reported to increase the mortality of Salmonella-infected animals by increasing the bacterial load in macrophages. Here we assess the iron levels and find that hepcidin increases iron content in the cytosol but decreases it in the SCV through FPN on the SCV membrane. Loss-of-FPN from the SCV via the action of hepcidin impairs the generation of bactericidal reactive oxygen species (ROS) as the iron content decreases. We conclude that FPN is required to provide sufficient iron to the SCV, where iron serves as a cofactor for the generation of antimicrobial ROS rather than as a nutrient for Salmonella.
학력 및 약력
2002-2009 B.S., in Physics / Biotechnology, Chosun University
2010-2012 M.S. in Molecular Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School
2013-2018 Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School
2018-2021 BK21 Postdoctoral Fellow/Research professor, Chonnam National University Medical school
2021-현재 강원대학교 의생명융합학부 (조교수)
주요발표논문 (최근)
1. Lim D, Jeong JH, Song J. Lipocalin 2 regulates iron homeostasis, neuroinflammation, and insulin resistance in the brains of patients with dementia: Evidence from the current literature. CNS Neurosci Ther. Aug;27(8):883-894. doi: 10.1111/cns.13653 (2021).
2. Lim D, Jung WC, Jeong JH, Song M. Targeted Delivery of the Mitochondrial Target Domain of Noxa to Tumor Tissue via Synthetic Secretion System in E. coli. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. Jul 17;8:840 (2020)
3. Lim D, Kim HK, Jeong JH, Jung YS, Lee SE, Jang HC, Jung SI, Choi HS, Rhee JH, Lee SG, Park C, Song M, Choy HE. Lipocalin2 Induced by Bacterial Flagellin Protects Mice against Cyclophosphamide Mediated Neutropenic Sepsis. Microorganisms Apr 29;8(5):E646.(2020).
4. Lim D, Song M. Development of bacteria as diagnostics and therapeutics by genetic engineering. Journal of Microbiology, Vol.57 (2019).
5. Lim D, Kim KS, Jeong JH, Marques O, Kim HJ, Song M, Lee TH, Kim JI, Choi HS, Min JJ, Bumann, Muckenthaler M, and Choy HE. The hepcidin-ferroportin axis controls the iron content of Salmonella-containing vacuoles in macrophages. Nature communications, 9: 2091 (2018)
6. Lim D, Kim KS, Kim H, Ko KC, Song JJ, Choi JH, Shin M, Min JJ, Jeong JH, Choy HE. Anti-tumor activity of an immunotoxin (TGFα-PE38) delivered by attenuated Salmonella typhimurium. Oncotarget, 8:37550-37560 (2017)4.