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442회 HMGB1: Dangers Ins And Out : A Novel Chemical Necrosis Inhibitor…

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일09-11-30 22:41 조회 : 3,888회



연사:  김순하  박사, LG 생명과학

제목:  HMGB1: Dangers Ins And Out : A Novel Chemical NecrosisInhibitor NecroX-7 with Therapeutic  Potential for Hepatic Fibrosis/Cirrhosis


 Necrotic cell death is common in a wide variety of pathological condition including stroke and neurodegenerative diseases, very little attempt, however, has been made to develop therapeutics to specifically target necrosis because of the conventional notion that unlike apoptosis, necrotic cell death is a non-regulated response to overwhelming stress. We identified a specific and potent small-molecule inhibitor, mitochondria-targeting NecroX-7, which blocks a critical step of necrotic cell death through a mechanism distinct from that of apoptosis, necroptosis and autophagy. We demonstrated that this chemical inhibitor attenuates and reverses hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis in rat and prevented hepatic ischemia & reperfusion injury (IRI) in Beagle Dog. Our study identifies a previously undescribed necrotic cell-death pathway and offers a new therapeutic target for liver fibrosis/cirrhosis with an extended window for necrosis-related human pathologies.

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