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특별세미나_권지안 교수님(단국대)

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일21-04-03 19:02 조회 : 3,913회


2021년 4월 8일 목요일 오후 4시에 생명과학과 김혜란 교수님께서 초청하신 단국대학교 권지안 교수님의 세미나가 자연대 2호관 118호에서 대면으로 진행될 예정입니다. 

생명과학연구소 특별세미나                           

 2021. 4. 8 (오후 4시 자연대 2호관 118

 Regulation of Plant Immune Exocytic Pathway

권지안 교수(단국대학교 분자생물학과)


Previously we for the first time in plants identified the whole set of SNARE proteins (PEN1 Qa-SNARE, SNAP33 Qbc-SNARE and VAMP721/722 R-SNAREs) to drive an immune exocytosis. Interestingly, the vesicle-localized VAMP721/722 are found to be involved in diverse physiological processes such as growth, development and stress responses. It is regarded that a plasma membrane (PM)-localized Qa-SNARE is engaged in a rather specific biological process; e.g. the KNOLLE Qa-SNARE in cytokinesis and the PEN1 and SYP132 Qa-SNAREs in immunity. Since VAMP721/722 promiscuously interact in vitro with PM Qa-SNAREs, it is likely that an accessory protein might control an involvement of VAMP721/722 in a specific biological process. During the last decade, we isolated and characterized several proteins that regulate biological functions of VAMP721/722. As expected, these proteins control the VAMP721/722-engaged exocytosis for plant growth and immunity by regulating PEN1 abundance, controlling VAMP721/722 levels or modulating SYP132-VAMP721/722 interaction.


학력 및 약력

1991.03 – 1995.02            연세대학교 생물학과                     이학사

1995.03 – 1997.02            연세대학교 생물학과                      이학석사

1997.03 – 2002.02            연세대학교 생물학과                      이학박사

2002.03 – 2004.09            연세대학교 생물학과                      박사후연구원

2004.11 – 2009.08            Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Germany, 박사후연구원

2009.09 – 현재                단국대학교 분자생물학과               조교수부교수교수



1. Chian Kwon, Jae-Hoon Lee and Hye Sup Yun. SNAREs in plant biotic and abiotic stress responses. 2020 Mol Cells 43: 501-508

2. Hyeokjin Kwon, Da Jeong Cho, Horim Lee, Myung Hee Nam, Chian Kwon and Hye Sup Yun. CCOAOMT1, a candidate cargo secreted via VAMP721/722 secretory vesicles in Arabidopsis. 2020 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 524: 977-982

3. Soohong Kim, Yunjin Choi, Chian Kwon and Hye Sup Yun. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced accumulation of VAMP721/722 requires CALRETICULIN 1 and CALRETICULIN 2 in Arabidopsis. 2019 J Integr Plant Biol 61: 974-980

4. Hye Sup Yun and Chian Kwon. Vesicle trafficking in plant immunity. 2017 Curr Opin Plant Biol 40: 34-42

5. Hyeran Kim, Hyeokjin Kwon, Soohong Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Miguel A. Botella, Hye Sup Yun and Chian Kwon. Synaptotagmin 1 negatively controls the two distinct immune secretory pathways to powdery mildew fungi in Arabidopsis. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol 57: 1133-1141

6. Hye Sup Yun, Mark Kwaaitaal, Naohiro Kato, Changhyun Yi, Sohyeon Park, Masa H. Sato, Paul Schulze-Lefert and Chian Kwon. Requirement of vesicle-associated membrane protein 721 and 722 for sustained growth during immune responses in Arabidopsis. 2013 Mol Cells

7. Changhyun Yi, Sohyeon Park, Hye Sup Yun and Chian Kwon. Vesicle-associated membrane proteins 721 and 722 are required for unimpeded growth of Arabidopsis under ABA application. 2013 J Plant Physiol 170: 529-533

8. Chian Kwon, Pawel Bednarek and Paul Schulze-Lefert. Secretory pathways in plant-microbe interactions. 2008 Plant Physiol I47: 1575-1583

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