학술대회 및 세미나

특별세미나_홍종필 박사님(국립원예특작과학원)

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일21-04-03 18:43 조회 : 3,840회


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이번 특별세미나는 오프라인으로 11월 24일 오후 2시 45분에 자연대 2호관에서 진행을 합니다. 

관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. 

생명과학연구소 특별세미나                           

 2020. 11. 24 (오후245분 자연대 2호관 109


Development of cancer vaccine production system using Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa)

홍종필 박사 (국립원예특작과학원)


External genes can be transformed into Chinese cabbage, a most important horticultural crop in East Asia. In order to develop a colorectal cancer as an edible vaccine in plant system, each binary vector harboring EpCAM-IgM and J-chain K was constructed. Subsequently, the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was carried out using the hypocotyl explants of Chinese cabbage seedlings. T0 transgenic plants inserted with each gene were obtained and selected through genomic DNA PCR analysis using the specific primers. Similarly, the immunoblot analysis revealed the expression of recombinant proteins in the transformants. Further, the T1 transgenic plants were generated by selfing the transgenic plants (T0) carrying EpCAM–IgM Fc and J-chain K proteins, respectively. Subsequently, the T1 plants generated from EpCAM–IgM Fc and J-chain K transformants were crossed to generate F1 plants carrying both transgenes. The presence of both transgenes was validated using PCR in the F1 plants. In addition, the expression of Chinese cabbage-derived EpCAM–IgM Fc × J-chain K was evaluated using immunoblot and ELISA analyses in the F1 plants. Therefore, the plant transformation system established in the present study can be used to express the mammalian fusion vaccine protein.


학력 및 약력

1999         한림대학교 생물학과(이학사)

2001         한림대학교 생물학과(이학석사)

2009         연세대학교 생물학과(이학박사)

2009-2015    일본 이화학연구소(박사 후 연구원)

2015-2020    국립원예특작과학원(박사 후 연구원)


주요발표논문 (최근)

1. Y-R Lee, C-Y Lim, S Lim, SR Park, J-P Hong, J Kim, H-E Lee, K Ko, D-S Kim (2020) Expression of colorectal cancer antigenic protein fused to IgM Fc in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa). Plants. 9(11): 1466

2. ES Lee, J Kim, J-P Hong, D-S Kim, M Kim, Y-C Huh, C-G Back, J Lee, H-E Lee (2018) Development of HRM markers based on SNPs identified from next generation resequencing of susceptible and resistant parents to gummy stem blight in watermelon. Korean Journal of Breeding Science. 50(4): 424-433

3. EY Yang, S-Y Chae, J-P Hong, H-E Lee, EJ Park, J-H Moon, T-S Park, M-Y Roh, OR Kim, SG Kim, DY Kim, SY Lee, MC Cho (2017) Study on the genetic characteristics of waterlogging tolerant pepper (Capsicum annum L.) for breeding tolerant varieties against flooding stress. Journal of Life Science. 27(10): 1111-1120

4. J-P Hong, H-Y Suh, J-H Kim, Y-K Ahn, J Kim, ES Lee, D-S Kim, H-E Lee (2017) Expression analysis of five Arabidopsis PDLP5 homologous in watermelon subjected to biotic and abiotic stresses. Hortic. Environ. Biotechnol. 58(3): 367-375

5. J-P Hong, E Adams, Y Yanagawa, M Matsui, R Shin (2017) AtSKIP18 and AtSKIP31, F-box subunits of the SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, mediate the degradation of 14-3-3 proteins in Arabidopsis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 485(1): 174-180

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