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작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일18-12-06 23:25 조회 : 3,860회본문
Diversity of monocyte and theirimpact on pathogenesis
서상욱 교수 (울산대학교 의과대학)
Innate immune cells are first line of defense against invading pathogens and also contribute to maintain immune-homeostasis. Balanced innate immune response protect host from invading threats and self-destructive immune diseases, however,when innate immune system is overactive, immune cells may enhance pathology associated with inflammation. As a key player ofinnate immune response, monocytes patrols through blood stream or differentiate into tissue macrophage to detect specific molecularpatterns associated with pathogen (pathogen-associated molecular pattern) or tissue damage (damage or danger-associatedmolecular pattern). But under certain circumstances, innate immune cells play suppressive role to regulate specific immuneresponses, including development of antigen specific lymphocytes and activation of innate lymphoid cells. Although previous studiesclearly show the diversity of monocyte, how this variation can be generated is not fully understood. As monocyte is plastic cell, whichcan give rise to macrophage with different phenotype, understanding of education process under specific disease condition mayprovide useful insight to develop novel prophylactic and therapeutic measures.
학력 및 약력
2000 연세대학교 생물공학과 (공학사)
2002 연세대학교 생물공학과 (이학석사)
2008 연세대학교 생물공학과 (이학박사)
2008-2011 국제백신연구소, 박사 후 연구원
2011-2015 University of Michigan, USA, 박사 후 연구원
2015-2018 서울대학교 의과대학, 부교수
2018.11 -현재 울산대학교 의과대학
주요발표논문 (최근)
1) Kim HR, Park SM, Seo SU, Jung I, Yoon HI, Gabrilovich DI, Cho BC, Seong SY, Ha SJ, Youn JI.The ration of peripheral regulatory T cells to Lox-1+-PMN-MDSC predicts the early response toanti-PD-1 therapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2018, in press.
2) Lee SH, Park SA, Zou Y, Seo SU, Jun CD, Lee WJ, Hyun YM, Cho NH. Real-time monitoring of cancercells in live mouse bone marrow. Front Immunol, 2018, 9:1681
3) Kim D, Seo SU, Zeng MY, Kim WU, Kamada N, Inohara N, Núñez G. Mesenchymal cell-specificMyD88 signaling promotes systemic dissemination of Salmonella Typhimurium via inflammatorymonocytes. J Immunol, 2017, 199(4):1362-1371.
4) Kim YG, Sakamoto K, Seo SU, Pickard JM, Gillilland MG 3rd, Pudlo NA, Hoostal M, Li X, Wang TD,Feehley T, Stefka AT, Schmidt TM, Martens EG, Fukuda S, Inohara N, Nagler CR, Núñez G. Neonatalacquisition of Clostridia species protects against colonization by bacterial pathogens. Science, 2017,356(6335):315-319.
5) Kim D, Kim YG, Seo SU, Kim DJ, Kamada N, Prescott D, Philpott DJ, Rosenstiel P, Inohara N,Núñez G. Nod2- mediated recognition of the microbiota is critical for mucosal adjuvant activity ofcholera toxin. Nat Med, 2016, 22(5):524-530.
6) Yang JY, Kim MS, Kim E, Cheon JH, Lee YS, Seo SU, Lee SH, Kim Y, Shin SH, Choi SS, Kim B,Chang SY, Ko HJ, Bae JW, Kweon MN. Enteric virus ameliorate gut inflammation via TLR3 andTLR7-mediated interferon-
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7) Seo SU, Kuffa P, Kitamoto S, Nagao-Kitamoto H, Rousseau J, Kim YG, Puente JL, Núñez G,Kamada N. Intestinal macrophages control pathogen infection by activating innate lymphoid cellsthrough caspase-11-mediated IL-1 production. Nat Commun, 2015, 6:8010.