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작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일18-10-25 23:24 조회 : 3,959회


Immunomagnetic Electrochemical Sensor for

Extracellular Vesicle Analysis in Human Body Fluids


박종민 교수 (강원대학교 화학과)


Extracellular vesicles, including exosomes, are nanoscale membrane particles that carry molecular information on parental cells. They are being pursued as biomarkers of various diseases, especially cancer that are difficult to detect or serially follow. To solve this issue, we developed a compact sensor technology for rapid, on-site exosome screening. The sensor is based on an integrated magnetoelectrochemical assay: exosomes are immunomagnetically captured from patient samples and profiled through electrochemical reaction. By combining magnetic enrichment and enzymatic amplification, the approach enables (i) highly sensitive, cell-specific exosome detection and (ii) sensor miniaturization and scale-up for high-throughput measurements. We demonstrated this system to screen extracellular vesicles in human body fluids such as plasma or urine samples from patients with ovarian cancer1), kidney transplant rejection2) and colorectal cancer patients3). The sensor allowed for the simultaneous profiling of multiple protein markers within an hour, outperforming conventional methods in assay sensitivity and speed.


1)       Jeong, S., Park, J., Pathania, D., Castro, C. M., Weissleder, R., Lee, H. Integrated magneto-electrochemical sensor for exosome analysis. ACS Nano. 201610, 1802–1809.

2)       Park, J., Lin, H., Assaker, J. P., Jeong, S., Huang, C.-H., Kurdi, A., Lee, K., Fraser, K., Min, C., Eskandari, S., Routray, S., Tannous, B., Abdi, R., Riella, L., Chandraker, A., Castro, C. M., Weissleder, R., Lee, H., Azzi, J. Integrated kidney exosome analysis for the detection of kidney transplant rejection. ACS Nano. 201711, 11041–11046.

3)       Park, J., Huang, C., Cook, K., Wang, R., Min, J., Jo, A., Castro, C. M. Park, J. S., Weissleder, R., Lee, H. Plasma Extracellular Vesicle Analysis for Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis. Manuscript in preparation.


학력 및 약력

2005        서울대학교 화학과 (이학사)

2012        서울대학교 화학과 (이학박사)

2012-2014  서울대학교 박사 후 연구원

2015-2018  Harvard Medical School (Postdoc)

201. 08     강원대학교 (조교수)


주요발표논문 (최근)

1)      Jo, A., Sung, J., Lee, S., Nam, H., Lee, H. W., Park, J., Kim, H. M., Kim. E., Park, S. B. Near-IR fluorescent tracer for glucose uptake monitoring in live cell. Bioconjugate Chem. 2018, in press.

2)      Park, J., Im, H., Hong, S., Castro, C. M., Weissleder, R., Lee, H. Analyses of Intravesicular Exosomal Proteins Using a Nano- Plasmonic System. ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 487–494.

3)      Jeong, S., Park, J., Pathania, D., Castro, C. M., Weissleder, R., Lee, H. Integrated magneto-electrochemical sensor for exosome analysis. ACS Nano. 2016, 10, 1802–1809.

4)      Park, J., Koh, M., Koo, J. Y., Lee, S., Park, S. B. Investigation of specific binding proteins to photoaffinity linkers for efficient deconvolution of target protein. ACS Chem. Biol. 2016, 11, 44–52.



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