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작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일18-09-13 23:24 조회 : 3,841회본문
Micro- and nano-sized drug delivery systems for cancer therapy
조현종 교수 (강원대학교 약학대학)
Size-controlled drug delivery systems can enhance therapeutic efficacies against various types of cancers. Microspheres including anticancer agents (doxorubicin, DOX) were developed for transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hyaluronic acid (HA)/DOX nanoassembly releasing microspheres were prepared and their anticancer activities were assessed in McA-RH7777 tumor-implanted rat model after intraarterial (IA) administration. Both embolization induced by microspheres and tumor-selective delivery of DOX by HA-based nanoassembly improved anticancer efficacies in HCC treatment. On the other hand, nanoparticles including phloretin (as an inhibitor of glucose transporter (GLUT1)) based on hyaluronic acid-ceramide-dopamine (HACE-d) conjugate were fabricated and their anticancer potentials in MDA-MB-231 cells (CD44 receptor and GLUT1 expressed human breast adenocarcinoma cells) were evaluated. HACE-d/phloretin nanoparticles exhibited improved tumor targetability, tumor penetration, and anticancer activities in MDA-MB-231 tumor-bearing murine model. Administration route-dependent size control of particles may render optimized strategies for cancer therapy.
학력 및 약력
2006년 약학사, 서울대학교 약학대학 약학과
2011년 약학박사, 서울대학교 약학대학 제약학과 약제학 전공
2011.03-2012.02 선임연구원, 서울대학교 종합약학연구소
2012.03-2012.08 전임강사/조교수, 순천대학교 약학대학 약학과
2012.08-현재 조교수/부교수, 강원대학교 약학대학 약학과
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2. Cho, H.J., Yoon, H.Y., Koo, H., Ko, S.H., Shim, J.S., Cho, J.H., Park, J.H., Kim, K., Kwon, I.C., Kim, D.D., 2012. Hyaluronic acid-ceramide-based optical/MR dual imaging nanoprobe for cancer diagnosis. J Control Release 162(1), 111-118.
3. Lee, J.Y., Chung, S.J., Cho, H.J.*, Kim, D.D.* 2015. .Phenylboronic acid-decorated chondroitin sulfate A-based theranostic nanoparticles for enhanced tumor targeting and penetration. Adv Funct Mater 25 (24), 3705-3717. (*co-corresponder)
4. Lee, J.Y., Chung, S.J., Cho, H.J.*, Kim, D.D.* 2016. Iodinated hyaluronic acid oligomer-based nanoassemblies for tumor-targeted drug delivery and cancer imaging. Biomaterials 85, 218-231. (*co-corresponder).
5. Lee, J.Y., Termsarasab, U., Park, J.H., Lee, S.Y., Ko, S.H., Shim, J.S., Chung, S.J., Cho, H.J.*, Kim, D.D.* 2016. Dual CD44 and folate receptor-targeted nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis and anticancer drug delivery. J Control Release 236, 38-46 (*co-corresponder).
6. Lee, S.Y., Park, J.H., Ko, S.H., Shim, J.S., Kim, D.D., Cho, H.J.*, 2017. Mussel-inspired hyaluronic acid derivative nanostructures for improved tumor targeting and penetration. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 9(27) 22308-22320.