생명과학연구소 정기학술대회
페이지 정보
작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일21-12-13 18:02 조회 : 3,753회첨부파일
일시: 12월 3일(금) 오후 1시-6시
zoom link: https://kangwon-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83655964855?pwd=M0ZJQlFGN01FZmhoZEdZWGpHRkUxUT09
Single cell analysis of the lung tissues from Interstitial lung disease patients
정윤주 박사님 (Harvard Medical School)
Co-activation of selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptors improves hippocampal activity and memory in Alzheimer’s disease
김선일 교수님 (Colorado State University)
The role of ERdj5 in liver fibrosis
김선명 (양윤미 교수님 연구실)
Methyl-dependent phospho-degron of ERRα in tumor-autophagy axis
박일근 (이지민 교수님 연구실)
Chromatin occupancy of Rad6 determines trimethylation of histone H3 lysine4
오준수 (이정신 교수님 연구실)
Arginase II protein involved in parkindependent p32 degradation that contributed to Ca2+-dependent eNOS activation
구본혁 (유승우 교수님 연구실)
Development of salinity tolerance and insect resistant soybean cultivar via genetic transformation
Sivabalan Karthik (김혜란 교수님 연구실)
Epigenetic regulation of osteoclast differentiation
김경환 교수님 (충북대 생명과학과)
Biocatalytic nanoreactors: mimicking “metabolism in confinement” in living cells
조성민 박사님 (Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research)