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생명과학연구소 특별세미나_박동현 박사님(GENINUS INC.)

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일21-12-13 17:45 조회 : 3,791회


일시: 2021년 11월 19일, 오후1시

zoom link: https://kangwon-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/84365328928?pwd=U041RHlVTHQ4YndSeVRRZmRoZ3lOZz09

Implementation of liquid biopsy in the clinic

박동현 박사(GENINUS INC.)

Recently, as the effectiveness of various targeted therapies in cancer treatment has been demonstrated and used in clinical practice, next generation sequencing (NGS)-based gene panel tests to profile somatic mutations in cancer for treatment selection has also been established as a standard treatment procedure. Although it is common to analyze tissue samples for the cancer gene panel tests, non-invasive methods for analyzing cancer genetic mutations through a liquid biopsy have been developed and started to be used in clinical practice. We have developed an NGS-based method to increase the sensitivity and specificity of mutation detection in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) samples. For the purpose, we improved the efficiency of library construction for targeted deep sequencing and applied various methods to remove sequencing errors including a new molecular barcode technique. Utilizing the method, we have been conducting research on the clinical application of liquid biopsy across various cancer types. However, despite the successful implementation of genetic profiling using cfDNA, the method still has limitations, especially in early detection of cancer. To overcome the challenge, we employed a new epigenomic approach that sensitively detected potential tumor-derived signatures without pre-existing knowledge of genetic alterations, through examination of cfDNA methylation patterns and analysis of cfDNA fragmentation. Our research for the technical development on cfDNA analysis and adaption of the method to clinics will be shared and discussed.


학력 및 약력

1990-1994   B.S., Department of Life Science, POSTECH

1994-1996   M.S. Department of Life Science, POSTECH

1996-2004   Ph.D. Department of Life Science, POSTECH

2004-2009   Postdoctoral fellow, Human Genetics Dept, University of Chicago, USA

2009-2010   Research professor, Kangwon National University

2010-2016   Chief researcher, Samsung Electronics

2017-2019   Chief researcher, Samsung Medical Center

2019-현재   CTO, GENINUS INC.

주요발표논문 (최근)

1. Shin SH, Park WY, Park D*. (2021 Jul) Characterization of DNA lesions associated with cell-free DNA by targeted deep sequencing. BMC Med Genomics 14, 192

2. Hur JY, Kim YJ, Yoon SE, Son DS, Park WY, Kim SJ, Park D*, Kim WS. (2020 Apr) Plasma cell-free DNA Is a prognostic biomarker for survival in patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Ann Hematol 99, 1293

3. Chung J, Lee KW, Lee C, Shin SH, Kyung S, Jeon HJ, Kim SY, Cho E, Yoo CE, Son DS, Park WY*, Park D*. (2019 Mar) Performance evaluation of commercial library construction kits for PCR-based targeted sequencing using a unique molecular identifier. BMC Genomics 20, 216

4. Shin SH, Kim YJ, Lee D, Cho D, Ko YH, Cho J, Park WY, Park D*, Kim SJ, Kim WS. (2019 Feb) Analysis of circulating tumor DNA by targeted ultra-deep sequencing across various non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes. Leuk Lymphoma 18, 1

5. Han KY, Kim KT, Joung JG, Son DS, Kim YJ, Jo A, Jeon HJ, Moon HS, Yoo CE, Chung W, Eum HH, Lee HO, Park D*, Park WY*. (2018 Jan) SIDR: simultaneous isolation and parallel sequencing of genomic DNA and total RNA from single cells. Genome Res 28, 75

6. Park G, Park JK, Son DS, Shin HS, Kim YJ, Jeon HJ, Lee J, Park WY*, Lee KH*, Park D*. (2018 Aug) Utility of targeted deep sequencing for detecting circulating tumor DNA in pancreatic cancer patients. Sci Rep 8, 11631.

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