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443회 Chemical and tactile mating signals in Korean salamander (Hynobiu…

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일09-11-30 22:42 조회 : 3,761회



연사: 박대식 박사


제목 : Chemical and tactile mating signals in Korean salamander(Hynobius leechii)


 To understand mating behaviors of Korean salamander (Hynobius leechii), I have studied chemical and tactile mating signals of the species over last several years and presented main findings here. 1) Breeding males executed body undulations, which induce surface water currents, and rival males and females actively responded to the water currents via the mechanosensory lateral line system. 2) Breeding males actively responded to female odors. In particular, I detected 15(R)PGF2a in urines and it evoked large electroolfactogram responses on the main olfactory epithelium of male salamanders and induced males' body undulations in behavioral tests. 3) Breeding and non-breeding males ! when I intraperitoneally injected arginine vasotocin actively executed body undulations and the response was partially blocked by injecting V1a type antagonist. These results indicate that Korean salamanders use both chemical and tactile mating signals during their mating. 


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