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작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일17-10-26 23:21 조회 : 3,401회본문
제 522 회 생명과학연구소 정기 세미나 2017. 10. 26 (목) 오후 5시, 자5 101호 |
A redox protein plays as a master regulator of circadian clocks in plant chloroplasts
이 상열 교수 (경상대학교)
Besides the transcription-translation feedback loop (TTFL)-based nuclear circadian systems conserved in many eukaryotes, the diurnal redox oscillation of Prx1 was also preserved in all kingdoms of life and shown to be a non-transcriptional circadian marker in plant chloroplasts. Because plants adapted chloroplast organelle from the cyanobacteria during the endosymbiotic evolution process, both circadian clock systems in plant nucleus and chloroplasts should be synchlonized, despite the molecular mechanism remains unknown. Here, we found that both the diurnal cycles of redox changes of chloroplast Prx1 and TTFL-based nuclear clock, CCA1, were critically demolished in knock-out mutant lines of a redox protein. The results suggested that the redox protein in chloroplasts oscillating with a circadian rhythm in plants can regulate circadian systems of plant nucleus with a retrograde signal transduction. Furthermore, the diurnal oscillation of the mRNA was also disturbed in cca1 plants, indicating the clock systems in the two separate organelles were reciprocally regulated by both anthero- and retro-grade signaling. For transducing chloroplast timing-information into nuclear clock system, cellular sucrose level and reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentrations played crucial roles.