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544회 정기세미나_김익수 교수님(가천대)

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일21-04-28 15:25 조회 : 4,853회



5월 13일(목) 이번 학기 세 번째 생명과학연구소 정기세미나의 개최에 대해서 공지드립니다. 

연자는 가천대학교 의과대학의 김익수 교수이십니다. 

이번에는 100% 온라인으로 진행합니다. 

시간: 2021년 5월 13일(목) 오후5시

연제: Recording Cell Fate: Epigenetics and Single Cell Trajectories 

zoom link: https://kangwon-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/86705016028

544회 생명과학연구소 세미나                           

 2021. 5. 13 (오후 5온라인


Recording Cell Fate: Epigenetics and Single Cell Trajectories

김익수 교수(가천대학교 의과대학)


My team’s research goal is to understand how cell decides its fate to be specific cell types, and apply cell-fate decision mechanisms to modulate cell states in various biological systems involving development and disease models. With recent technological advances of genomics and single cell biology, we are fostering to understand heterogeneous cell states in biological systems, and demonstrating cell origin (where each cell comes from) and cell fate (where each cell progress into). My recent work (I.S. Kim (2020) Cell Reports) utilizes single cell multiomics approach and cell trajectory analysis to reconstruct trajectory of differentiating stem cells and infer cell’s ancestry. In this study, I provided a high-resolution lineage map for an organoid model of embryogenesis, insights into epigenetic determinants of fate specification, and a strategy for lineage mapping of rapid differentiation processes. With another work to show how epigenetic changes affect cell lineage decisions in vivo (I.S. Kim* (2019) Nature Cell Biology), I developed mouse models expressing inducible histone H3 lysine-to-methionine (K-to-M) mutants and characterized systemic regulations of cell fate decisions by transcriptome, epigenetic states and chromatin structure. In this study, I showed that individual chromatin modifications are required at several specific stages of differentiation including haematopoiesis. For further study, my team is pursuing to develop new single cell technology capturing various cellular materials (information) and recording cell states from same single cell. With this cellular information, we will develop analysis algorithms to combine multi-layered information, inferring cell hierarchy in development and disease models. It will allow us to reconstruct in silico cell organoid representing cell’s origin, current state and inferred future state. In addition, we will apply perturbation study of defined regulatory circuits of cell fate decision to patient samples to support correct diagnosis by cell hierarchy and further to cure diseases by targeting founders and drivers of disordered cells.


학력 및 약력

1998-2005   서울대학교 생명과학부이학사

2005-2012   서울대학교 생명과학부이학박사

2013-2020   Harvard Medical School, USA, 박사후연구원

2020-2021   서울대학교 생명과학부연구교수

2021-현재    가천대학교 의과대학조교수


주요발표논문 (최근)

1. Kim, I.S., Wu, J., Rahme, G.J., Battaglia, S., Dixit, A., Gaskell, E., Chen, H., Pinello, L., and Bernstein, B.E. (2020). Parallel Single-Cell RNA-Seq and Genetic Recording Reveals Lineage Decisions in Developing Embryoid Bodies. Cell Reports, 33, 108222.

2. Brumbaugh, J.*, Kim, I.S.*, Ji, F., Huebner, A., Di Stefano, B., Schwarz, B.A., Charlton, J., Coffey, A., Choi, J., Walsh, R.M., Schindler, J.W., Anselmo, A., Meissner, A., Sadreyev, R.I., Bernstein, B.E., Hock, H., and Hochedlinger, K. (2019) Inducible histone K-to-M mutations are dynamic tools to probe the physiological role of site- specific histone methylation in vitro and in vivo. Nature Cell Biology, 21, 1449–1461. (*co-first author)

3. Lee, M.K.*, Kim, I.S.*, Park, K.C., Baek, S.H., and Kim, K.I. (2018) Mitosis-specific Phosphorylation of Mis18 by Aurora B Kinase Enhances Kinetochore Recruitment of Polo-like Kinase 1. Oncotarget, 9, 1563-1576. (*co-first author)

4. Shin, D.G.*, Kim, I.S.*, Lee, J.M., Shin, S.Y., Lee, J.H., Baek, S.H.†, and Cho, K.H.† (2014) The hidden switches underlying RORα-mediated circuits that critically regulate uncontrolled cell proliferation. J Mol Cell Biol., 6 (4): 338-48. (*co-first author, †co-corresponding author)

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