학술대회 및 세미나

특별세미나_한용현 교수님(강원대)

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일21-04-03 19:01 조회 : 4,164회


2021년 4월 1일 오후5시에 특별세미나를 개최합니다. 

연자는 강원대 약대에 2020년에 부임하신 한용현 교수님이십니다. 

이번 세미나는 오프라인과 온라인 병행으로 개최합니다. 

일시: 2021년 4월 1일 오후5시

장소: 의생명과학대학 B동 128호

zoom link: https://kangwon-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/86727809721

강원대에 새로 오신 분이시니 교수님들께서는 직접 오셔서 인사하시면 좋을 것 같아서 오프라인과 온라인 병행으로 실시하려고 합니다. 

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많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 

생명과학연구소 특별세미나                           

 2021. 4. 1 (오후 5의생명과학대학 B-128, 온라인


Crosstalks between liver macrophages and lipid mediators

protect against liver inflammation

한용현 교수(강원대학교 약학대학)


The disorder of M1/M2 polarization in liver macrophages is crucial physiological phase of the progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The orphan nuclear receptor retinoic-acid-related orphan receptor a (RORa) was revealed to key regulator of polarization in liver macrophages. However, the molecular mechanism by which microenvironmental factors provide potential of RORa as polarity regulators is not revealed. In this manuscript, we revealed that maresin1 (MaR1), a docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) metabolites among the specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), is a novel endogenous ligand of RORa, which enhanced transcriptionalactivity of RORa. MaR1 could prevent from the injury of high fat diet-induced NASH in a RORa-dependent manner. Our studies revealed a novel molecular mechanism of MaR1 in anti-inflammatory function as an endogenous ligand of RORa and suggested new theprapeutic candidates for curing NASH. Furthermore, the newly found molecular pathway, RORa-MaR1 regulatory circuit, could offer understanding on the mode of action of DHA and suggest therapeutic strategy to prevent progression of NASH.

Generation of high density lipoprotein (HDL) requires apoA1 and the cholesterol transporter ABCA1. Although the liver produces most HDL in circulation systems, HDL synthesis also occurs in the small intestine. However, distinct functions for intestinal HDL are unknown. Here, we showed that HDL in the portal vein, which connects intestine to liver, derived mainly from intestine and potently neutralized lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In a mouse model of short bowel syndrome which induces dramatic liver inflammation and fibrosis by the LPS receptor TLR4, loss of intestine-derived HDL worsened liver injury, whereas liver pathology was improved by therapeutics that elevated and depended upon intestinal HDL production. Thus, protection of the liver from injury in response to gut-derived signals like LPS is a major function of intestinally synthesized HDL.


학력 및 약력

2007-2011   B.S., 강워대학교 약학대학

2011-2013   M.S., 서울대학교 약학대학

2013-2018   Ph.D. 서울대학교 약학대학

2018-2019   서울대학교 (박사후연구원)

2019-2020   Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, USA (박사후연구원)

2020-현재   강원대학교 약학대학 (조교수)


주요발표논문 (최근)

1. Han YH, Kim HJ, Lee MO. RORα regulates hepatic lipolysis by inducing transcriptional expression of PNPLA3 in mice, Mol Cell Endocrinol, (2021) Feb 15;522:111122.

2. Han YH, Kim HJ, Choi H, Lee S, Lee MO. RORα autoregulates its transcription via MLL4-associated enhancer remodeling in the liver, Life Sci, (2020) Sep 1;256:118007.

3. Kim JY*, Han YH*, Nam MW, Kim HJ, Lee MO. RORα suppresses interleukin-6-mediated hepatic acute phase response. Sci Rep, (2019) Aug 13;9:11798.

4. Han YH, Shin KO, Khadka D, Kim JY, Kim HJ, Cho WJ, Cha JY, Lee YM, Lee BJ, Lee MO. A maresin 1/RORα/12-lipoxygenase autoregulatory circuit prevents inflammation and progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. J Clin Invest, (2019) Mar 11;130:1684-1698.

5. Han YH, Kim HJ, Na H, Nam MW, Kim JY, Kim JS, Koo SH, Lee MO. RORα Induces KLF4-Mediated M2 Polarization in the Liver Macrophages that Protect against Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. Cell Rep, (2017) Jul 5;20:124-135.

6. Han YH, Kim DK, Na TY, Ka NL, Choi HS, Lee MO. RORα switches transcriptional mode of ERRγ that results in transcriptional repression of CYP2E1 under ethanol-exposure. Nucleic Acids Res, (2016) Feb 18;44:1095-1104.

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