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425회 Therapeutic applications and strategies targeting the Pattern Rec…

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작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일09-04-23 22:31 조회 : 3,727회


425회 (2009. 4. 23.)

연사:  김 성 권, Schering-Plough Research Institute

제목:  Therapeutic applications and strategies targeting the Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs)


The mammalian innate immune system has devised the pattern recognition receptors (TLR, NLR and RLR) to detect and alert the presence of entities that are potentially deleterious to host. Discovery of these molecular sensors and their cognate ligands greatly improved our understanding of the workings of the immune system and molecular pathogenesis and also opened up new possibilities to develop novel therapeutics for many inflammatory diseases. Accumulating data indicate that these molecular sensors also recognize host- derived molecules that are often associated with tissue injury and wound healing process. Activation of the pattern recognition receptors elicits inflammatory responses in an effort to eliminate pathogenic agents and restore the homeostatic organ function. Failure of the resolution of this process often leads to chronic inflammatory diseases. Data from animal models and SNP analyses of human population indicate that targeting the pathway potentially lead to effective therapeutics not just for traditional inflammatory diseases but also cancer and metabolic diseases

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