학술대회 및 세미나

325회 Mapping Brain Functions using MRI

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일00-12-07 21:18 조회 : 3,819회



연사 : 김 성 기 , Minnesota 대학교

제목:  Mapping Brain Functions using MRI


Recently introduced functional MRI techniques provide the capability of visualizing elevated neuronal activity with spatiotemporal specificity and resolution that has not been previously available with other non-invasive methods. Such a capability is essential for a system level understanding of human brain function, which possesses unique attributes that are  distinct from animal models and cannot be investigated with invasive techniques available for animal studies. Functional MRI opens a new avenue for cognitive and clinical sciences.  I will discuss (a) principles of functional MRI, (b) limits of spatial  and temporal resolution of fMRI, and (c)  mapping of human brain functions.


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