학술대회 및 세미나

333회 SELDI-TOF-MS Protein Chips

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일01-09-06 21:24 조회 : 3,670회



연사 : 한 병 돈, DisGene

제목:  SELDI-TOF-MS Protein Chips


DNA chips may allow scientists to study the life science at genome level.  However, protein chips might have some advantages over DNAchip in explain the life phenomena in physiological aspects.  Since it is the proteins that carry out biochemical reactions in cells and have post translational modification after expression. What's more, there are often differences in biological half life and amount between mRNA and protein in cells.  To take this advantage, protein chips should separate and identify protein easily and should give the molecular interaction information in a relatively short time. Three types of technologies, 2D-gel and matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), protein function microarray or protein detection microarray with laser scanner, and Proteinchips with surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) are major tools for proteomics study at the moment. Each technology has some advantages and disadvantages.

   SELDI Proteinchips system will be introduced in this presentation. Proteinchips, SELDI-TOF MS detection system and software are three major part for the system.  Eight identical 2 mm diameter spots are on a Proteinchip array and different array has different chemical properties on its spot, that is, ion exchange, hydrophobic, revers phase, metal binding, and biological surface that covalnetly binds antibidy, DNA, phage and so on. Energy absorbing materials(EAM) is applied on each spot after binding samples and washing non-specific binding materials in a given conditions. Ionized proteins are detected and their mass accurately determined by time-of-flight mass spectrometry.  Protein purification and characterization, molecular recognition, and protein profiling are major application of this system. Some published data and preliminary data in our lab with SELDI Protein chip will be also discussed.

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