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389회 Reactive oxygen species in malignant cellular transformation, apo…

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 날짜 : 작성일06-04-13 21:57 조회 : 4,013회



연사 :  이 수 재, Laboratory of Experimental Therapeutics, Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences

제목:   Reactive oxygen species in malignant cellular transformation, apoptotic cell death, and mitotic checkpoint control


  One of the critical determinants of cellular response to exogenous stimuli is the cellular redox status. Intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is tightly regulated by the intrinsic anti-oxidant defense systems. Despite the conventional dogma that ROS are harmful to the cell, experimental evidence over the last decade that ROS also play an important role as signaling molecules in diverse physiological processes. Indeed, low levels of intracellular ROS have been linked to cellular proliferation and cell cycle progression, which provides an explanation for the pro-oxidant state invariably associated with the transformed phenotype. Contrary to that are our recent observations implicating increase of intracellular ROS level controlling apoptotic cell death and cell cycle checkpoint signals delivered upon exposure to certain anti-cancer drug. Here we present our recent data on the role of ROS in cell transformation, apoptotic cell death, and mitotic checkpoint control.

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